September 06, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Building Salary Budgets and Merit Matrices In Toda...

Speaker(s): Expert

People work for money. Even people who love their jobs likely would not perform them free. The salary budget while often the biggest expense in a company is to employees, a reward system for their wor...

September 06, 2024 | EST : 01:00 AM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Secrets Revealed Top Habits Of Highly Successful H...

Speaker(s): Melveen Stevenson

Any HR professional knows that there is never a lack of work in their department. From replying to an employee’s question about benefits to following-up with a manager on how to best restructure her d...

September 10, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Advanced 90 Min

New EEOC Report Workplace Harassment Prevention No...

Speaker(s): Dr. Susan Strauss

You have been in Human Resources or management for years. Your plate is full-too much to do and to know in your increasingly stressful job. You are expected to stay current in discrimination and haras...

September 10, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Transforming the HR Department New Developments i...

Speaker(s): William J. Rothwell

Human resource departments are being pressured as never before to demonstrate their contribution and value to their organization. One indication of that is the emergence of so-called HR transformation...

September 11, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

The Supreme Court Bans Affirmative Action! Learn H...

Speaker(s): Margie Faulk

On 29 June 2023, the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College,1 and reversed the longstanding rule that race can be cons...

September 11, 2024 | EST : 03:00 PM | PST : 12:00 PM

Intermediate 60 Min

Handling and documenting a non- performing employe...

Speaker(s): Carolyn D. Riggins

In today’s workforce environment, handling and documentation are the primary factors to your success or failure when addressing a nonperforming employee. When a non-performing employee is displaying a...

September 11, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Basic & Intermediate 60 Min

Inspiring Leadership and Transforming Teams throug...

Speaker(s): Mr. Mark Gorkin

In today’s TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition – Distracted & Driven World clear, open, emotionally intelligent and effective team communication and conflict resolution are critical for produ...

September 11, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Coaching Skills for Managers Tools to get the Most...

Speaker(s): Rich McLaughlin

Today's leaders recognize the need to maximize productivity in their team and that can only happen when employees are committed and engaged.It's no surprise that actively engaged employees are 20 to 4...

September 12, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Conducting an I-9 Self-Audit for Compliance: Ident...

Speaker(s): Steven G. Meilleur

Completing a USCIS Form I-9 in a compliant manner involves navigating through numerous gray areas of the law and interpreting some often-conflicting and confusing instructions. What appears to be a si...

September 12, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Conquer Toxic People - Learn To Protect Yourself A...

Speaker(s): Michael Healey

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" Maya AngelouToxicity in the workplace acts like an infectious disease - it spreads and infiltrates teams and relationships, Without t...

September 12, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Employee Handbooks 2024 Update on Policy and Proce...

Speaker(s): Mr. Ronald Adler

The purposes and the scope of employee handbook policies and the practices are changing and expanding. From a siloed HR activity that creates insular documents concerned primarily with communicating t...

September 12, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Brave Enough To Be You- How to engage in braver co...

Speaker(s): Carol Schulte

In our ever-changing work environment, you have to be more than agile if you want to succeed. You have to be brave. Brave enough to face change before you feel ready. Brave enough to try new things, t...

September 13, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Advanced 60 Min

How To Deal with Clashing Co-workers

Speaker(s): Bob Churilla

Employee conflict costs organizations money, morale and productivity. A rise in absenteeism and turnover is a likely sign that an organization is suffering from unresolved conflict. In this webinar, y...

September 17, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Marijuana- Compliance and Safety in the Workplace

Speaker(s): Don Phin

The impact of marijuana use on the workplace is skyrocketing. State after state legalizes its use, not just for medicinal purposes, but for recreational ones too. At the same time, the Feds haven’t le...

September 17, 2024 | EST : 03:00 PM | PST : 12:00 AM

Basic & Intermediate 90 Min

Preventing Sexual Orientation and Transgender ID D...

Speaker(s): Diane L. Dee

For most of us, work is stressful in and of itself. Imagine carrying the added emotional weight of having to deny or suppress one of the most fundamental aspects of who you are: your gender identity a...

September 17, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Basic & Advanced 60 Min

Payroll Documentation and How to Build a Good SOP

Speaker(s): Dayna J. Reum

Employers are looking for ways to improve internal process and reduce cost. Payroll process documentation supports multiple internal improvements from cross training, defect identification and support...

September 17, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Basic & Intermediate 60 Min

The Empowered Human Capital Manager - The Role of ...

Speaker(s): Daniel T. Bloom

Conflict is an inevitable part of any organization, arising from differences in opinions, goals, values, and personalities. While conflict is often viewed negatively, it can be a powerful catalyst for...

September 18, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Basic & Intermediate 90 Min

Utilizing a Proven Process When Conducting Sensiti...

Speaker(s): Pete Tosh

Human Resource Departments have traditionally been concerned with the processing of transactions and administrative functions - often with little or no objective data to provide them feedback on:The e...

September 18, 2024 | EST : 03:00 PM | PST : 12:00 PM

Intermediate 90 Min

How to be a Strategic Leader in 2024

Speaker(s): Rebecca Staton-Reinstein

Fail to Plan; Plan to Fail. Learn proven approaches to create or adapt your current mission to guide robust planning, execution, and daily decision making to get the results you need to assure your or...

September 18, 2024 | EST : 03:00 PM | PST : 12:00 PM

Intermediate 90 Min

Moving From an Operational Manager to a Strategic ...

Speaker(s): Chris DeVany

Gain the insights and skills to know where your business stands today and where it’s heading tomorrow.In today’s unpredictable business environment, strategic leadership is not just for top management...

September 19, 2024 | EST : 03:00 PM | PST : 12:00 PM

Intermediate 60 Min

Leadership Development Bootcamp for Rookie Supervi...

Speaker(s): Deborah Jenkins

Great leadership skills don’t just show up with a job title.  A talented employee that has been promoted to a team lead, supervisor, or manager position deserves to be given the proper tools to s...

September 19, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Finance for Non-Financial Professionals

Speaker(s): Ray Sheen

The program will explain the business financial management and how an operating manager can make decisions to impact the financial health. The course will discuss financial statements with a focus on ...

September 24, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Documenting Disciplinary Actions

Speaker(s): Dr. James Castagnera, Esq.

Where employee discipline is concerned, the best way to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” is to drop the ball with your documentation.  There are many reasons why supervisors, managers, HR...

September 24, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Assertiveness Skills for Leaders, Managers and HR ...

Speaker(s): Suzanne Blake

In order to be effective in getting what you want and need, how you communicate both verbally and non-verbally will matter a great deal. Assertiveness is neither aggression, nor passivity/docility. It...

September 24, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 90 Min

Dealing With Difficult People In Life And Work

Speaker(s): Paul J.Cline

Need help with difficult people in your life? We've got your solution right here! Difficult people can be a challenging problem But with these Cutting edge Skills from a Master Therapist.This problem ...

September 26, 2024 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM

Intermediate 60 Min

Excel Pivot Tables , Pivot Charts, Slicers, and Ti...

Speaker(s): Tom Fragale

In this webinar, you will learn how to make all of your raw data and quickly turn that data into easy-to-use flexible summary reports using Pivot Tables and Charts. We will start with the basics and b...

September 27, 2024 | EST : 02:00 PM | PST : 11:00 AM

Advanced 60 Min

Creating an Insanely Positive and Productive Workp...

Speaker(s): Larry Johnson

As managers, we all want our teams to excel – to be the very best they can be. If you want your team to produce more, serve customers better, work together more smoothly, and quit less, this webinar i...